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Learn to crochet - the chain stitches

Crochet is an art whose main purpose is to create beautiful things. It can be a nice way to unleash your creativity and enthusiasm. One of the basic techniques in crocheting is chain stitches. In this article we will look at what chain stitches are and how you can make them.

We'll also look at special techniques that use chain stitches, such as: B. Chain stitches and single crochets at the same time, single crochets in chain stitches and chain picots. At the end we will also see how to chain.

Crochet chain stitches

What are air stitches?

Chain stitches are one of the most commonly used basic techniques in crocheting. They are used as the basis for many different projects such as scarves, bags, blankets and much more. Chain stitches are also known as chain stitches because they are usually used as the first stitches in a row.

Chain stitches are easily made by putting the crochet hook through a hole in the previous stitch, passing the yarn over the hook, and then pulling the hook through the loop at the tip of the hook. This creates an open loop called a chain stitch.

crochet chain stitches

Crochet chain stitches is one of the easiest techniques in crocheting. To crochet a chain stitch, you must first pass the yarn over the crochet hook. Then you put the needle through the previous stitch to form a loop. Then pull the thread through the loop to close the chain stitch.

Watch this chain stitch video tutorial for an overview:

Chain and single crochet at the same time

It is possible to crochet chain stitches and single crochets at the same time. This is a useful technique when you want to crochet certain projects. In order to crochet chain stitches and single crochet stitches at the same time, you must first put the yarn over the crochet hook.

Then you put the needle through the previous stitch to form a loop. Then pull the thread through the loop to close the chain stitch. Next, insert the needle into the second stitch and pull the yarn through the loop to close the single crochet.

Crochet single crochet into chain stitches

It is possible to crochet single crochet stitches in chain stitches. This is a useful technique when you want to shape stitches into a specific shape. To crochet single crochet into chain stitch, you need to chain stitch first. Then put the needle through the second stitch and pull the yarn through the loop to close the single crochet.

Crochet chain stitch picot

The chain picot is a useful technique when crocheting certain projects. It is used to create a border on a project. To crochet a chain picot, you first need to chain as many as you need. Then put the needle through the first stitch and pull the thread through the loop to close the first chain stitch.

Then put the needle through the second stitch and pull the yarn through the loop to close the second chain stitch. Then insert the needle into the first chain stitch and pull the yarn through the loop to close the first single crochet. Repeat this process until you have knit the desired number of stitches.

hit air stitches

When chain stitches are cast on, a number of chain stitches are attached at the end of a row. In order to chain stitch, you must first put the thread over the crochet hook. Then insert the needle into the last stitch of the row to form a loop. Then pull the thread through the loop to close the chain stitch. Repeat this process until you have chained the desired number of stitches.


Chain stitches are one of the most basic techniques in crocheting. They can be used as a basis for many different projects. In this article we took a look at what chain stitches are and how to make them. We also looked at special techniques that use chain stitches, e.g. B. Chain stitches and single crochets at the same time, single crochets in chain stitches and chain picots.

Finally, we also saw how to chain. If you use these techniques correctly, you can make beautiful and creative projects with your crochet hook.

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